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04.07.2024 — Seminarium "Przetwarzania Języka Naturalnego" — godz. 10:15

Purificação Silvano (Uniwersytet w Porto)

Odnośnik do spotkania w MS Teams (nowe okno)

Streszczenie (autorskie):

„In this talk, I will present the successful application of Language resource management – Semantic annotation framework (ISO-24617) for representing semantic information in texts. Initially, I will introduce the harmonisation of five parts of ISO 24617 (1, 4, 7, 8, 9) into a comprehensive annotation scheme designed to represent semantic information pertaining to eventualities, times, participants, space, discourse relations and semantic roles. Subsequently, I will explore the applications of this annotation, specifically highlighting the Text2Story and StorySense projects, which focus on narrative extraction, understanding and visualisation of the journalistic text.

13.05.2024 — Seminarium "Przetwarzania Języka Naturalnego" — godz. 10:15

Michal Křen (Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze)

Odnośnik do spotkania w MS Teams (nowe okno)

Streszczenie (autorskie):

The talk will give an overview of the Czech National Corpus (CNC) research infrastructure in all the main areas of its operation: corpus compilation, data annotation, application development and user support. Special attention will be paid to the variety of language corpora and user applications where CNC has recently seen a significant progress. In addition, it is the end-user web applications that shape the way linguists and other scholars think about the language data and how they can be utilized. The talk will conclude with an outline of future plans.

18.06.2024 - Seminarium Teorii Gier i Decyzji - godz. 11:00,

Adam Idzik (Instytut Podstaw Informatyki PAN)

Twierdzenie Knastera-Kuratowskiego-Mazurkiewicza znalazło wiele zastosowań w dowodach istnienia równowagi w modelach ekonomicznych. Jest ono równoważne twierdzeniu Brouwera o punkcie stałym.
Na seminarium omówione zostaną uogólnienia twierdzenia Brouwera dla prawie punktów stałych.

22.05.2024 — Seminarium lingwistyki formalnej — godz. 12:00

Sebastian Zawada (Instytut Podstaw Iformatyki PAN)

Streszczenie (autorskie):

In the first part of the talk, I present a syntactico-semantic analysis of the Polish demonstrative word TO ‘this’, which builds on the known observation that it can be used in two different syntactic environments: (i) in typical nominal positions and (ii) in a unique copular structure [TO + BYĆ ‘to be’ + NP], in which the right-hand NP appears in the nominative case and triggers agreement with the verb. I propose an analysis assuming one demonstrative root for TO, which gets different grammatical categories in (i) and (ii). The analysis, couched in the LrFG framework, accounts not only for the different syntactic behaviour of TO in (i) and (ii), but also for its different anaphoric possibilities in the two uses. In the second part of the talk, I present some peculiarities related to agreement facts in Polish copular constructions in general, some of which have attracted little attention so far, and consider possibilities of a unified syntactic analysis thereof.

Seminarium przedstawia badania realizowane w ramach projektu PRELUDIUM pt. "Składniowo-semantyczna analiza leksemów o kształcie TO" finansowany ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki.

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