Encryption and compression algorithms for Internet of Things
Prof. Józef Pieprzyk, Dr. hab. Paweł Morawiecki and Dr. Marcin Pawłowski from the Cryptography Team are the authors of the work "Compcrypt - Lightweight ANS-Based Compression and Encryption", published in the journal IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
The work was supported by the National Science Center (NCN) as part of the Grant 2018/31 / B / ST6 / 03003 devoted to encryption and compression algorithms. The co-authors of the publication are researchers from Australia (S. Camtepe, A. Mahboubi, S. Nepal) and Dr. Jarosław Duda from the Jagiellonian University
The paper presents a family of compcrypt type algorithms, i.e. lightweight compression-encryption algorithms based on the ANS compression algorithm. The included analysis of the performance and security of compcrypt algorithms has shown their potential usefulness in many application domains, in particular in the Internet of and 5G.