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Institute of Computer Science PAS Publishing Centre

Monograthic publication ICS PAS

Occasionally, the Institute publishes monographs, conference proceedings, and dissertations. Published materials are distributed by online bookstore {Link zewnętrzny - Otwórz nowe okno i przejdź do: }KSIĘGARNIA NAUKOWA-EUROPEJSKA

Okładka prac IPI PAN

ICS PAS Reports

From 1971 the Institute publishes its own series "ICS PAS Reports", where the results of research performed mainly in the Institute are presented.

Logotyp Journal of Language Modelling

Journal of Language Modelling

{Link zewnętrzny - Otwórz nowe okno i przejdź do: }Journal of Language Modelling - new e-journal in the field of computational linguistics.

Okładka prac Machine GRAPHICS & VISION

Machine GRAPHICS & VISION (up to 2013)

Between 1992 and 2013, the Institute published the international journal (quarterly) "Machine Graphics & Vision". Currently, the journal is published by the Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics (WZIM) of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, in cooperation with the Association for Image Processing, Poland (TPO).

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