Scientific activity of the Institute

The Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPI PAN) is one of the select few leading CS research centres in Poland. In the last national evaluation of research quality, it was granted category A in information and communication technology, and in linguistics. Hence, it has the right to award a degree of doktor and a degree of doktor habilitowany in these disciplines.
In both of its disciplines, IPI PAN has original results at a world level. Its the research topics are in line with the strategic documents of the State and the European Union, such as the "State Science Policy" and "Europe’s Digital Decade: digital targets for 2030".

We see the mission of the Institute as interrelated tasks: research at the highest level, educating doctoral students, cooperation with other research centres on large IT projects and coordinating such projects.
The Institute's scientific activities are basic research, work related to the development and analysis of new computer methods, and their application in other fields of science. We aim to maintain and strengthen basic research - mathematical or close to mathematics - including among others logic, graph theory, cryptography, information theory, time series and other branches of probability science.
Another objective is to develop original solutions with potential applications, in the research areas of distributed systems, verification of software and data communication protocols, cryptography, security of systems, data and applications, machine learning, multi-agent systems, bioinformatics, linguistic engineering and knowledge discovery in large document collections.
Appreciating the importance of interdisciplinary work, the Institute has for many years been involved in the development of Polish and European IT infrastructure relevant to research in the humanities (CLARIN-PL and DARIAH-PL consortia). It serves, among others, to store and make available cultural and scientific resources (which is one of the strategic areas identified in the Science Policy of the State).
The Institute co-manages the Doctoral School of Information and Biomedical Technologies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (TIB PAN), which offers interdisciplinary education in informatics, biomedical engineering and medical sciences.
The institute is starting to collaborate in the running of the PhD School of Molecular Medicine at the Medical University of Lodz "SMM".