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Ph.Ds conferred by the Scientific Council of the IPI PAN (since 1997)

  • M.Sc. Eng. Marcin Plata

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Zastosowanie zaawansowanych metod sztucznej inteligencji do wybranych problemów bezpieczeństwa informacji

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Marek Klonowski, Politechnika Wrocławska
    Discipline and specialization: engineering and technical sciences in the field of technical informatics and telecommunications
    Date of defense: 11 January 2024
    The date of award of the degree: 7 March 2024

  • M.Sc. Ilya Hradovich

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Efficient communication algorithms in shared channels with adversary

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Marek Klonowski, Politechnika Wrocławska
    Discipline and specialization: natural sciences in the field of computer and information sciences
    Date of defense: 7 November 2022
    The date of award of the degree: 24 November 2022

  • M.Sc. Tomasz Steifer

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Computable prediction of infinite binary sequences with zero-one loss

    Promoter: Professor Łukasz Dębowski, prof. IPI PAN
    Discipline and specialization: natural sciences in the field of computer and information sciences
    Date of defense: 29 September 2020
    The date of award of the degree: 15 October 2020

  • M.Sc. Michał Horodelski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Wyznaczanie reprezentatywnego fragmentu współdziałania systemu obiektów

    Promoter: Professor Józef Winkowski
    Discipline and specialization: engineering and technical sciences in the field of technical informatics and telecommunications
    Date of defense: 24 September 2020
    The date of award of the degree: 15 October 2020

  • M. Sc. Eng. Artur Męski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Model Checking for Reaction and Multi-Agent Systems

    Promoter: Professor Eng. Wojciech Penczek
    Discipline and specialization: engineering and technical sciences in the field of technical informatics and telecommunications
    Date of defense: 17 September 2020
    The date of award of the degree: 15 October 2020

  • M. Sc. Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Cryptanalysis of lightweight ciphers

    Promoter: Professor Paweł Morawiecki, prof. IPI PAN
    Discipline and specialization: engineering and technical sciences in the field of technical informatics and telecommunications
    Date of defense: 12 March 2020
    The date of award of the degree: 8 May 2020

  • M. Sc. Konrad Gołuchowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Metoda identyfikacji schematów walencyjnych w tekstach polskich

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Przepiórkowski
    Discipline and specialization: engineering and technical sciences in the field of technical informatics and telecommunications
    Date of defense: 23 October 2019
    The date of award of the degree: 24 October 2019

  • M. Sc. Piotr Borkowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Metody semantycznej kategoryzacji w zadaniach analizy dokumentów tekstowych

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Mieczysław Kłopotek
    Discipline and specialization: engineering and technical sciences in the field of technical informatics and telecommunications
    Date of defense: 16 July 2019
    The date of award of the degree: 24 October 2019

  • M. Sc. Mateusz Kopeć

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Summarization of Polish press articles using coreference (PL) Streszczanie polskich artykułów prasowych z wykorzystaniem koreferencji

    Promoter: dr hab. Agnieszka Mykowiecka, prof. IPI PAN
    Discipline and specialization: engineering and technical sciences in the field of technical informatics and telecommunications
    Date of defense: 11 June 2019
    The date of award of the degree: 24 October 2019

  • M. Sc. inż. Karol Marchwicki

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Efektywność i niezawodność w sieciach typu Peer-to-peer

    Promoter: dr hab. inż. Marek Klonowski
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 8 Fabruary 2019
    The date of award of the degree: 14 Fabruary 2019

  • M. Sc. inż. Wojciech Wodo

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Zastosowanie i ochrona danych biometrycznych przy autoryzacji i identyfikacji

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Mirosław Kutyłowski
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 7 Fabruary 2019
    The date of award of the degree: 14 Fabruary 2019

  • M. Sc. Magdalena Ryczkowska

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Opracowanie w modelu PGAS wybranych, równoległych algorytmów grafowych i ich implementacja przy użyciu języka Java

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Piotr Bała
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 5 November 2018
    The date of award of the degree: 8 November 2018

  • M. Sc. Łukasz Zaniewicz

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Maszyny wektorów wspieraj¡cych w modelowaniu ró»nicowym

    Promoter: dr hab. Szymon Jaroszewicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 28 June 2018
    The date of award of the degree: 8 November 2018

  • M. Sc. inż. Michał Straus

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Kryptoanaliza funkcji gąbkowej Keccak

    Promoter: dr hab. Marian Srebrny
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 4 June 2018
    The date of award of the degree: 7 June 2018

  • M. Sc. Agata Charzyńska

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Analiza wrażliwości w modelach procesów biochemicznych

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Anna Gambin
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 2 March 2018
    The date of award of the degree: 7 June 2018

  • M. Sc. inż. Michał Lenarczyk

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Akustyczne i fonetyczne metody przemiany głosu

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 25 January 2018
    The date of award of the degree: 08 Fabruary 2018

  • M. Sc. Łukasz Górski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Adaptacja wybranych równoległych algorytmów do modelu PGAS i ich implementacja w jezyku Java z wykorzystaniem biblioteki PCJ

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Piotr Bała
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 13 November 2017
    The date of award of the degree: 16 November 2017

  • M. Sc. Agnieszka Zbrzezny

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Wybrane metody weryfikacji modelowej wykorzystujące testery SAT i SMT

    Promoter: dr hab. Bożena Woźna-Szcześniak, prof. AJD
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 27 October 2017
    The date of award of the degree: 16 November 2017

  • M. Sc. inż. Julian Zubek

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Metody integracji wieloskalowej informacji w sztucznych systemach uczących się

    Promoter: dr hab. Dariusz Plewczyński, prof. UW
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 23 March 2017
    The date of award of the degree: 18 May 2017

  • M. Sc. Tadeusz Puźniakowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Równoległe i rozproszone obliczenia ewolucyjne w poszukiwaniach morskich

    Promoter: dr hab. Marek Bednarczyk, prof. PJATK
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 16 December 2016
    The date of award of the degree: 12 January 2017

  • M. Sc. Agnieszka Prochenka

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Delete or Merge Regressors algorithm

    Promoter: dr hab. Piotr Pokarowski, prof. UW
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 17 November 2016
    The date of award of the degree: 12 January 2017

  • M. Sc. inż. Piotr Such

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Szyfrowanie z użyciem automatów komórkowych dwuwymiarowych

    Promoter: dr hab. Marian Srebrny
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 10 October 2016
    The date of award of the degree: 27 October 2016

  • M. Sc. Kamil Kluczniak

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Anonymous Authentication Using Electronic Identity Documents

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Mirosław Kutyłowski, (Politechnika Wrocławska)
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 10 October 2016
    The date of award of the degree: 27 October 2016

  • M. Sc. Waldemar Bartyna

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Współdziałanie w otwartym heterogenicznym systemie wielorobotowym w oparciu o paradygmat SOA

    Promoter: dr hab. Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 27 June 2016
    The date of award of the degree: 27 October 2016

  • M. Sc. inż. Michał Knapik

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Parametryczna Weryfikacja Modelowa

    Promoter: prof dr hab. inż. Wojciech Penczek
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 18 April 2016
    The date of award of the degree: 09 June 2016

  • M. Sc. inż. Lucjan Hanzlik

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Algorytmy kryptograficzne w nowoczesnych dokumentach tożsamości

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Mirosław Kutyłowski, (Politechnika Wrocławska)
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 13 January 2016
    The date of award of the degree: 14 January 2016

  • M. Sc. inż. Anna Lauks-Dutka

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Applied Cryptographic Schemes Based on Discrete Logarithm Problem

    Promoter: prof dr hab. inż. Mirosław Kutyłowski
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 14 October 2015
    The date of award of the degree: 15 October 2015

  • M. Sc. Paweł Matykiewicz

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Neurokognitywne podejście do przetwarzania tekstów medycznych

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Włodzisław Duch
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 28 September 2015
    The date of award of the degree: 15 October 2015

  • M. Sc. inż. Indrajit Saha

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Knowledge Discovery in Biological Data

    Promoter: Dr hab. Dariusz Plewczyński
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 20 August 2015
    The date of award of the degree: 15 October 2015

  • M. Sc. inż. Robert Kłopotek

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Inwazyjna analiza sieci społecznych

    Promoter: dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Trojanowski
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 15 June 2015
    The date of award of the degree: 18 June 2015

  • M. Sc. inż. Piotr Przybyła

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Odpowiadanie na pytania w języku polskim z użyciem głębokiego rozpoznawania nazw

    Promoter: dr hab. Agnieszka Mykowiecka
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 11 June 2015
    The date of award of the degree: 18 June 2015

  • M. Sc. inż. Piotr Syga

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Algorytmy ochrony informacji dla systemów urządzeń o ogroniczonych możliwościach

    Promoter: dr hab. inż. Marek Klonowski
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 13 April 2015
    The date of award of the degree: 16 April 2015

  • M. Sc. Alina Wróblewska

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Polish Dependency Parser Trained on an Automatically Induced Dependency Bank

    Promoter: dr hab. Adam Przepiórkowski
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 13 October 2014
    The date of award of the degree: 16 October 2014

  • M. Sc. inż. Michał Koza

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Repelling Sybil Attacks in wireless ad hoc systems

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Mirosław Kutyłowski
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 5 Fabruary 2014
    The date of award of the degree: 27 March 2014

  • M. Sc. inż. Tomasz Maszczyk

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Uniwersalne maszyny uczące

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Włodzisław Duch
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 28 Fabruary 2014
    The date of award of the degree: 27 March 2014

  • M. Sc. Marek Pilski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Planowanie abstrakcyjne w elektronicznych procesach biznesowych opartych na paradygmacie SOA

    Promoter: dr hab. Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 24 March 2014
    The date of award of the degree: 27 March 2014

  • M. Sc. inż. Tomasz Strumiński

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Algorytmy ukrywania informacji

    Promoter: dr hab. inż. Marek Klonowski
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 26 March 2014
    The date of award of the degree: 27 March 2014

  • M. Sc. Paweł Teisseyre

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    On some methods of model selection for linear and logistic regression

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Jan Mielniczuk
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 23 October 2013
    The date of award of the degree: 21 November 2013

  • M. Sc. Marek Faderewski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Reprezentacja środowiska do współdziałania w systemach otwartych i heterogenicznych

    Promoter: dr hab. Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 4 October 2013
    The date of award of the degree: 10 October 2013

  • M. Sc. inż. Aleksander Wawer

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Methods of Sentiment Detection in Polish

    Promoter: dr hab. Adam Przepiórkowski
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 3 June 2013
    The date of award of the degree: 6 June 2013

  • M. Sc. inż. Michał Wolski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Prognozowanie zaufania w systemach wykorzystujących mechanizm mobilnych agentów

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Mieczysław Kłopotek
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 25 March 2013
    The date of award of the degree: 11 April 2013

  • M. Sc. Marek Grochowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Sztuczne sieci neuronowe oparte na metodach wyszukiwania interesujących projekcji

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Włodzisław Duch
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 15 March 2013
    The date of award of the degree: 11 April 2013

  • M. Sc. Ewa Nowakowska

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    A method for clusterability assessment

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Koronacki
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 2 October 2012
    The date of award of the degree: 11 October 2012

  • M. Sc. Grzegorz Terlikowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Architektura układu sterującego robotem mobilnym w systemie wielorobotowym opartym na paradygmacie SOA

    Promoter: dr hab. Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz, prof. IPI PAN
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 28 September 2012
    The date of award of the degree: 11 October 2012

  • M. Sc. inż. Karol Wawrzyniak

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    On Phenomenology, Dynamics and some Applications of the Minority Game

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Wojciech Wiślicki
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 19 June 2012
    The date of award of the degree: 21 June 2012

  • M. Sc. Szymon Chojnacki

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Analiza technicznych własności systemów rekomendujących za pomocą grafów losowych

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Mieczysław Kłopotek
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 15 June 2012
    The date of award of the degree: 21 June 2012

  • M. Sc. Justyna Walkowska

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Modelowanie kompetencji dialogowej człowieka na potrzeby jej emulacji w zarządzających wiedzą systemach informatycznych współpracujących z wieloma użytkownikami

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Zygmunt Vetulani
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 16 January 2012
    The date of award of the degree: 23 Fabruary 2012

  • M. Sc. inż. Paweł Ryszard Jarosz

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Sztuczne systemy immunologiczne i teoria gier w optymalizacji wielokryterialnej

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Burczyński
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 8 December 2011
    The date of award of the degree: 15 December 2011

  • M. Sc. Kamila Barylska

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Trwałość i bezkonfliktowość w sieciach Petriego

    Promoter: dr hab. Edward Ochmański
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 24 October 2011
    The date of award of the degree: 27 October 2011

  • M. Sc. Marek Gawkowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Formal Framework for Proof Generating Optimizers

    Promoter: -
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: nostryfikacja dyplomu
    The date of award of the degree: 12 May 2011

  • M. Sc. Artur Jerzy Niewiadomski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Automatyczna weryfikacja systemów specyfikowanych w UML

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Penczek
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 20 January 2011
    The date of award of the degree: 24 March 2011

  • M. Sc. Piotr Cybula

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Zapamiętane zapytania jako metoda optymalizacyjna dla obiektowego języka zapytań SBQL

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Kazimierz Subieta
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 9 November 2010
    The date of award of the degree: 2 December 2010

  • M. Sc. Henryk Jan Andrzej Komorowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    A Specification of an Abstract Prolog Machine and Its Application to Partial Evaluation

    Promoter: -
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: nostryfikacja dyplomu
    The date of award of the degree: 2 December 2010

  • M. Sc. Marcin Daniel Płonkowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Modele kryptograficzne wykorzystujące technologie sztucznych sieci neuronowych oraz kolejne rozszerzenia ciała liczb rzeczywistych

    Promoter: -
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: nostryfikacja stopnia
    The date of award of the degree: 13 May 2010

  • M. Sc. Jaroslaw Skaruz

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Wykrywanie ataków w SQL na aplikacje WWW za pomocą algorytmów inspirowanych naturą

    Promoter: dr hab. inż. Franciszek Seredyński
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 12 January 2010
    The date of award of the degree: 15 January 2010

  • M. Sc. Filip Zagórski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Uwierzytelnianie i anonimowość w komunikacji

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Mirosław Kutyłowski
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 7 January 2010
    The date of award of the degree: 15 January 2010

  • M. Sc. Dariusz Czerski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Metody systemów uczących się w konstrukcji list inwersyjnych dla wyszukiwarek internetowych

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Mieczysław Kłopotek
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 7 January 2010
    The date of award of the degree: 15 January 2010

  • M. Sc. Adam Rabcewicz

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Estymacja przepływu optycznego metodą CLG przy założeniu stałości gradientu wzdłuż trajektorii ruchu

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Adam Jakubowski
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 24 September 2009
    The date of award of the degree: 8 October 2009

  • M. Sc. Grzegorz Betliński

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Uogólniony model systemu informacji przestrzennej

    Promoter: dr hab. inż. Edward Kołodziński
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 29 June 2009
    The date of award of the degree: 8 October 2009

  • M. Sc. Wojciech Rząsa

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Globalne i lokalne przybliżenia zbiorów

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Grzymała-Busse
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 22 June 2009
    The date of award of the degree: 8 October 2009

  • M. Sc. Lidia Stępień

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Rachunek zdań jako środowisko programistyczne dla algebry liniowej

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Marian Srebrny
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 1 June 2009
    The date of award of the degree: 4 June 2009

  • M. Sc. Marcin Seredyński

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    An Evolutionary Approach towards Cooperation Enforcement in Ad Hoc Networks

    Promoter: prof. dr. Pascal Bouvry, doc. dr hab. Mieczysław A. Kłopotek
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 30 January 2009
    The date of award of the degree: 17 April 2009

  • M. Sc. Barbara Marszał-Paszek

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Funkcje przekonań w teorii zbiorów przybliżonych oraz ich zastosowania

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Skowron
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 26 January 2009
    The date of award of the degree: 29 January 2009

  • M. Sc. Janusz Wojtusiak

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Handling Constrained Optimization Problems and Using Constructive Induction to Improve Representation Spaces in Learnable Evolution Model

    Promoter: -
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: nostryfikacja dyplomu
    The date of award of the degree: 18 December 2008

  • M. Sc. Krystian Matusiewicz

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Analysis of Modern Dedicated Cryptographic Hash Functions

    Promoter: -
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: nostryfikacja dyplomu
    The date of award of the degree: 20 November 2008

  • M. Sc. Dariusz Borkowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Rekonstrukcja barwności z wykorzystaniem rozwiązania problemu Skorochoda

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Adam Jakubowski
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 12 September 2008
    The date of award of the degree: 18 September 2008

  • M. Sc. inż. Michał Bereta

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Application of Artificial Immune Systems to Classification and Data Analysis

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Burczyński
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 5 September 2008
    The date of award of the degree: 18 September 2008

  • M. Sc. inż. Michał Dramiński

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Algorytm indukcji reguł decyzyjnych w problemach klasyfikacji i wyboru cech w zadaniach wysokowymiarowych

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Koronacki
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 7 May 2008
    The date of award of the degree: 29 May 2008

  • M. Sc. Krzysztof Ciesielski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Adaptacyjne metody grupowania w mapowej wizualizacji kolekcji dokumentów tekstowych

    Promoter: dr hab. inż. Mieczysław Kłopotek
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 21 January 2008
    The date of award of the degree: 24 January 2008

  • M. Sc. Łukasz Maśko

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Sterowanie wykonaniem programów w systemach z dynamicznymi gronami procesorów ze wspólną pamięcią

    Promoter: dr hab. inż. Marek Tudruj
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 21 January 2008
    The date of award of the degree: 9 January 2008

  • M. Sc. inż. Krzysztof Kaczmarski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Metodologie i metamodele dla obiektowych baz danych typu Grid

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Kazimierz Subieta
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 28 May 2007
    The date of award of the degree: 19 June 2007

  • M. Sc. Maciej Szreter

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    SAT-based model checking of distributed systems

    Promoter: dr hab. inż. Wojciech Penczek
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 1 Fabruary 2007
    The date of award of the degree: 18 January 2007

  • M. Sc. Bożena Staruch

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Rozszerzenia struktur częściowych i ich zastosowania w inteligentnych systemach informacyjnych

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Skowron
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: -
    The date of award of the degree: 14 December 2006

  • M. Sc. Wit Jakuczun

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Lokalne klasyfikatory jako narzędzie analizy i klasyfikacji sygnałów

    Promoter: dr hab. Jerzy Cytowski
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: -
    The date of award of the degree: 14 December 2006

  • M. Sc. Artur Andrzej Jakubski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Rozproszona kryptografia bez zaufanej trzeciej strony

    Promoter: dr hab. Marian Srebrny
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: -
    The date of award of the degree: 26 October 2006

  • M. Sc. Krzysztof Pancerz

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Zastosowanie zbiorów przybliżonych do identyfikacji modeli systemów współbieżnych

    Promoter: dr hab. Zbigniew Suraj
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: -
    The date of award of the degree: 26 October 2006

  • M. Sc. Radosław Adamus

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Programming in Aspect-Oriented Databases

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. inż. Kazimierz Subieta
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: -
    The date of award of the degree: 23 Fabruary 2006

  • M. Sc. Dobiesław Wróblewski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Lokalność w obliczeniach na grafach

    Promoter: dr hab. Wojciech Penczek
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 21 Fabruary 2006
    The date of award of the degree: 23 Fabruary 2006

  • M. Sc. Mariusz Momotko

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Tools for Monitoring Workflow Processes to Support Dynamic Workflow Changes

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Subieta
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 12 October 2005
    The date of award of the degree: 24 November 2005

  • M. Sc. Łukasz Dębowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Własności entropii nadwyżkowej dla procesów stochastycznych nad różnymi alfabetami

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Jan Mielniczuk
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 3 October 2005
    The date of award of the degree: 24 November 2005

  • M. Sc. Dariusz Mikułowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Koncepcja i realizacja rozproszonych ontologii w systemie enTish

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Stanisław Ambroszkiewicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 17 June 2005
    The date of award of the degree: 28 June 2005

  • M. Sc. Marcin Woliński

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Komputerowa weryfikacja gramatyki Świdzińskiego

    Promoter: dr hab. Janusz Bień
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 12 May 2005
    The date of award of the degree: 28 June 2005

  • M. Sc. inż. Hanna Kozankiewicz

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Updatable Object Views

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Subieta
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 17 May 2005
    The date of award of the degree: 28 June 2005

  • M. Sc. Agata Półrola

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Metody generowania skończonych modeli zachowań systemów z czasem

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Wojciech Penczek
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 15 Fabruary 2005
    The date of award of the degree: 17 Fabruary 2005

  • M. Sc. inż. Marek Kozłowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Zastosowanie algorytmów ewolucyjnych do tworzenia sieci bayesowskich z danych

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Sławomir Wierzchoń
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 25 January 2005
    The date of award of the degree: 17 Fabruary 2005

  • M. Sc. Artur Gola

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Analiza cyfrowych obrazów medycznych z wykorzystaniem algorytmów sztucznej inteligencji

    Promoter: dr hab. Jerzy Cytowski
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 21 June 2004
    The date of award of the degree: 14 October 2004

  • M. Sc. inż.Marcin Sydow

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Link Analysis of the Web Graph. Measurements, Models and Algorithms for Web Information Retrieval

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Mieczysław A. Kłopotek
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 18 June 2004
    The date of award of the degree: 14 October 2004

  • M. Sc. inż. Eryk Laskowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Strukturalizacja programów w systemach wieloprocesorowych z redundancją zasobów komunikacyjnych

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Marek Tudruj
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 12 October 2004
    The date of award of the degree: 14 October 2004

  • M. Sc. Agnieszka Dardzińska Głębocka

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Chase Method Based on Dynamic Knowledge Discovery for Predicting Values in Incomplete Information Systems

    Promoter: dr Zbigniew Raś
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 19 March 2004
    The date of award of the degree: 26 May 2004

  • M. Sc. Piotr Synak

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Temporalne aspekty eksploracji danych: metody zbiorów przybliżonych

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Skowron
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 23 April 2004
    The date of award of the degree: 26 May 2004

  • M. Sc. inż. Andrzej Sikorski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Rozszerzone Architektury Wielowarstwowe w Środowisku Komunikacyjnym Aplikacji Rozproszonych

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Kazimierz Subieta
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 17 Fabruary 2004
    The date of award of the degree: 26 Fabruary 2004

  • M. Sc. inż. Anna Magdalena Święcicka

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Szeregowanie zadań w systemach wieloprocesorowych za pomocą automatów komórkowych

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Franciszek Seredyński
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 15 January 2004
    The date of award of the degree: 26 Fabruary 2004

  • M. Sc. Monika Kowalczyk

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Dwuipółwymiarowe modele wielościanów wypuklych do identyfikacji wizualnej

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Wojciech Mokrzycki
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 30 June 2003
    The date of award of the degree: 13 November 2003

  • M. Sc. Martin Schmidt

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Evaluations of Evolutionary Algorithms for Constrained Optimization Problems

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Michalewicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 29 October 2003
    The date of award of the degree: 13 November 2003

  • M. Sc. Mirosław Kurkowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Dedukcyjne metody weryfikacji poprawności protokołów uwierzytelniania

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Marian Srebrny
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 19 May 2003
    The date of award of the degree: 24 June 2003

  • M. Sc. Bożena Woźna

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Ograniczona weryfikacja modelowa dla logik czasu rozgałęzionego: szybka metoda falsyfikacji

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Wojciech Penczek
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 11 June 2003
    The date of award of the degree: 24 June 2003

  • M. Sc. inż. Andrzej Jodłowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Dynamic Object Roles in Conceptual Modeling and Databases

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Kazimierz Subieta
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 16 June 2003
    The date of award of the degree: 24 June 2003

  • M. Sc. inż. Olaf Matyja

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Smooth Grade Correspondence Analysis and Related Computer System

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Pleszczyńska
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 23 June 2003
    The date of award of the degree: 24 June 2003

  • M. Sc. inż. Piotr Habela

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Metamodel for Object-Oriented Database Management Systems

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Kazimierz Subieta
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 12 Fabruary 2003
    The date of award of the degree: 13 Fabruary 2003

  • M. Sc. inż. Roman Simiński

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Dynamiczna weryfikacja poprawności baz wiedzy w procesie ich projektowania

    Promoter: dr hab. Alicja Wakulicz-Deja
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 3 September 2002
    The date of award of the degree: 29 November 2002

  • M. Sc. Jakub Piskorski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Shallow Text Processor based on Finite-State Technology for Information Extraction

    Promoter: dr hab. Witold Abramowicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 27 November 2002
    The date of award of the degree: 29 November 2002

  • M. Sc. inż. Sławomir Kowalski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Poprawa efektywności algorytmów szukania drogi dla bryły sztywnej na trójwymiarowej scenie

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Marciniak
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 28 November 2002
    The date of award of the degree: 29 November 2002

  • M. Sc. inż. Tomasz Obrębski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Automatyczna analiza składniowa języka polskiego z wykorzystaniem gramatyki zależnościowej

    Promoter: dr hab. Zygmunt Vetulani
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 10 June 2002
    The date of award of the degree: 13 June 2002

  • M. Sc. Małgorzata Marciniak

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Algorytmy implementacyjne syntaktycznych reguł koreferencji zaimków dla języka polskiego sformułowanych w HPSG

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Leonard Bolc
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 11 January 2002
    The date of award of the degree: 21 Fabruary 2002

  • M. Sc. Rafał Deja

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Zastosowanie teorii zbiorów przybliżonych w analizie konfliktów

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Skowron
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 30 March 2001
    The date of award of the degree: 26 June 2001

  • M. Sc. Jolanta Koszelew

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Metody analizy własności programów probabilistycznych interpretowanych w dziedzinach skończonych

    Promoter: dr hab. Wiktor Dańko
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 27 April 2001
    The date of award of the degree: 26 June 2001

  • M. Sc. Anna Kupść

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    An HPSG Grammar of Polish Clitics

    Promoter: prof. Anne Abeillé, prof. dr hab. Leonard Bolc
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 21 December 2000
    The date of award of the degree: 22 Fabruary 2001

  • M. Sc. Faraj El-Mouadib

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Taxonomy Formation by Approximate Equivalence Relations

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Jacek Koronacki
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 15 November 2000
    The date of award of the degree: 17 November 2000

  • M. Sc. Jacek Płodzień

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Optimization Methods in Object Query Languages

    Promoter: doc. dr hab Kazimierz Subieta.
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 6 November 2000
    The date of award of the degree: 17 November 2000

  • M. Sc. Piotr Paszek

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Zastosowanie teorii zbiorów przybliżonych w wielostopniowym diagnozowaniu medycznym

    Promoter: dr hab. Alicja Wakulicz-Deja
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 10 April 2000
    The date of award of the degree: 21 June 2000

  • Raul Gallard

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Evolutionary Algorithms for Computer Systems Resource Management

    Promoter: dr hab. Zbigniew Michalewicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 4 May 2000
    The date of award of the degree: 21 June 2000

  • M. Sc. inż. Krzysztof Trojanowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Evolutionary Algorithms with Redundant Genetic Material for Non-Stationary Environments

    Promoter: dr hab. Zbigniew Michalewicz
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 26 May 2000
    The date of award of the degree: 21 June 2000

  • M. Sc. Wiesław Pawłowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Kontekstowe systemy logiczne w podstawach specyfikacji i konstruowaniu oprogramowania

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Tarlecki
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 19 June 2000
    The date of award of the degree: 21 June 2000

  • M. Sc. Adam Przepiórkowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Case Assignment and the Complement/Adjunct Dichotomy A Non-Configurational Constraint-Based Approach

    Promoter: -
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: nostryfikacja
    The date of award of the degree: 21 June 2000

  • M. Sc. Wiera Barbara Dobrowolska Buffoli

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Relational knowledge representation: Decidability problems

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Ewa Orłowska
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 15 Fabruary 2000
    The date of award of the degree: 24 Fabruary 2000

  • M. Sc. Mariusz Jarocki

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Koncepcja i konstrukcja warstwowego systemu operacyjnego

    Promoter: dr hab. Stanisław Goldstein
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 22 November 1999
    The date of award of the degree: 2 December 1999

  • M. Sc. Ghuwar Miloud

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Modeling and Recognition of Arabic Scripts

    Promoter: dr hab. Włodzimierz Skarbek
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 27 May 1998
    The date of award of the degree: 30 June 1998

  • M. Sc. inż. Tomasz Kalinowski

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Program execution control in dynamically reconfogurable multiprocessor systems

    Promoter: doc. dr hab. Marek Tudruj
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 29 May 1998
    The date of award of the degree: 30 June 1998

  • M. Sc. Agnieszka Mykowiecka

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Opis składniowy polskich konstrukcji względnych w formalizmie HPSG

    Promoter: prof. dr hab. Leonard Bolc
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 26 Fabruary 1999
    The date of award of the degree: 29 June 1999

  • M. Sc. inż. Ewa Stemposz

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    Rekonstrukcja i rozpoznawanie obiektów 3W z wykorzystaniem metod teorii grafów

    Promoter: dr hab. Aleksander Rutkowski
    Discipline and specialization: technical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 24 October 1997
    The date of award of the degree: 18 December 1997

  • mr Ibrahim Tentush

    Title of the doctoral dissertation:

    On similarity relations in information systems: rough set - theoretic approach

    Promoter: dr hab. Lech Polkowski
    Discipline and specialization: mathematical sciences in the field of computer science
    Date of defense: 27 June 1997
    The date of award of the degree: 25 September 1997

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