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European grants
Title / Director / Agreement no. Project start date Project end date Description
"UniDive: Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology"
COST Action CA21167
Principal Investigator: Alina Wróblewska
23-09-2022 22-09-2026 External link - Open a new window and go to the project page UniDive
"Curated Multilingual Language Resources for CEF AT" (pl: Wyselekcjonowane zasoby wielojęzyczne dla CEF.AT)
– eTranslation grant
Grant agreement no.:
Principal Investigator: Maciej Ogrodniczuk
01-03-2020 28-02-2022 External link - Open a new window and go to the project CURLICAT's web page
"Multilingual Resources for CEF.AT in the legal domain" (pl: Zasoby wielojęzyczne dla CEF.AT w domenie prawnej)
CEF-TC-2017-3 – eTranslation grant
Grant agreement no.: 27798023 / 2017-EU-IA-0136
Principal Investigator: Maciej Ogrodniczuk
1-10-2018 30-09-2020 External link - Open a new window and go to the project MARCELL's web page
European grants completed (until 1 January 2020):
Title / Director / Agreement no. Project start date Project end date Description
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF)
Grant agreement no.: PIEF-GA-2012-626398
Principal Investigator: Wojciech Jamroga
1-09-2013 31-08-2016 External link - Open a new window and go to the project page Revink
"PARSEME: PARSing and Multi-word Expressions. Towards linguistic precision and computational efficiency in natural language processing"
ICT COST Action IC1207
Principal Investigator: Adam Przepiórkowski
13-08-2003 7-03-2017 External link - Open a new window and go to the project page PARSEME
"GeTFun: Generalizing Truth-Functionality"
International Research Staff Exchange Scheme
Grant agreement no.: 318986
Principal Investigator: Beata Konikowska
1-01-2013 31-12-2016 External link - Open a new window and go to the project page GeTFun
TrendMiner: Large-scale, Cross-lingual Trend Mining and Summarisation of Real-time Media Streams
FP7 Specific programme 'Cooperation'
Grant agreement no.: 287863
Principal Investigator: Maciej Ogrodniczuk
1-11-2013 30-11-2014 External link - Open a new window and go to the project page TrendMiner
ATLAS - Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS
ICT Policy Support Programme
Grant agreement no.: 250467
Principal Investigator: Adam Przepiórkowski
1-03-2010 28-02-2013 External link - Open a new window and go to the project page ATLAS
CESAR - CEntral and South-east europeAn Resources
ICT Policy Support Programme
Grant agreement no.: 271022
Principal Investigator: Adam Przepiórkowski
1-02-2011 31-01-2013 External link - Open a new window and go to the project page CESAR

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